Data check

Not sure if the print data is created correctly? No problem! Our experts will take the time for a free basic data check. This includes the basic points that are important for printing and further processing.

After the check, we send a PDF for print approval or a list and tips for troubleshooting.

Tips & Common Mistakes


The resolution of the data should be at least 300dpi. Lower resolutions may cause a blurred image.


In order to avoid flashes (white margins) when cutting the print products, the graphics that go to the edge should be drawn out over the edge. As a rule, a bleed of 3mm per side is sufficient.

File formats

The data is required in PDF, TIF. or JPG format.


At best, layers should be reduced to one layer, the background layer.

Color range - CMYK

Please create the print data directly in CMYK mode. Data created in RGB (screen colors) must be converted to CMYK by us. This may result in color representation errors. We recommend the color profile ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI). download now

Partial enhancements

Areas or elements that are finished with a coating, for example, must be created as a solid color on a new layer and set to overprint (multiply).

Embed fonts

Before exporting the print data, the fonts must be embedded or vectorized. This prevents the fonts from not being found on other devices and being replaced by another font.

Spot colors

Spot colors are not created as CMYK colors, but as spot colors. This can be done in most programs via the option "New Color > Spot Color".

Font size

For normal texts we recommend a minimum size of 6pt. For negative texts 8pt.

Line width

The line width for printing should be at least 0.25pt, negative 0.5pt.

Safety distance

To avoid cutting off text or important elements, a minimum distance of 3mm should be maintained from the edge and crease lines.

Our experts are happy to help!