About us

Packaging professionals with vision

Whether gift or product, the right packaging creates emotions and attention. Therefore, we have been developing and producing unique and special gift boxes and product packaging, for special people, for years. In addition to the wide range of ready-made packaging from stock, we create individual packaging for our customers. As a full-service provider, we are happy to take over the entire workflow. From the first sketch or a 3D rendering, to production, storage & logistics.

» Next Level Packaging from a single source.

Gift designer with passion

Gifts are for us a very personal means of communication between people. For us, the design includes a high emotional potential and the aesthetics of a gift. This starts with the special content tailored to the recipient / occasion / theme / emotion & personality, includes the decoration & personalization and ends with the packaging.

That's why we are always looking for products with an individual, special story for private gifts or corporate gifts like onboarding boxes.

» This is our service and added value.

Gift giving can be so beautiful 
and bring so much joy and fun!

M. Reckel

Origin Story

A brand is always authentic and credible when it is born out of a real need. This was also the case with ideas in boxes…

3 men and a gift wish:

Individually fitting it should be and something with history. An exclusive compilation of various components. In a package that clearly makes more than just wrapping paper with a bow.

3 men and one problem:

All of this was not available from a single source and could only be realized individually at great expense in terms of time and money.

3 men and one idea:

We are creating a company that will do just that.

3 men* and a StartUP:

ideas in boxes