
The worldwide networking and optimization of transport and goods flows has created an almost unmanageable selection for us. In the fruit or vegetable shelves, on the clothing racks of boutiques and textile discounters, and in all other areas, we find goods from all over the world. In the past, it was difficult to have a good selection. Today, many customers and buyers wish to influence origin and production. Who believes in international justice, when again and again pictures from far away countries document exploitative methods towards people and environment. Under the keyword Fairtrade - fair trade they find new possibilities. The own consumption serves the support of workers and agriculture.


Management in two ways


The mass exchange of goods often obscures whether the product helps or hurts in supporting workers and agriculture. Coffee, tea and cotton plantations can be inferior or sustainably farmed. Fairtrade - fair trade organizes and verifies origin and production according to rules that create international justice. Working conditions are among the decisive criteria, as is the type of cultivation. Chemical and pharmaceutical aids, if used at all, are clearly highlighted. Growth and supply routes at producers and service providers participating in Fairtrade - fair trade are documented in a way that is comprehensible to every buyer. International justice is also achieved by monitoring the locally appropriate payment of all participants.


Honesty maintains health


The social aspect is only one side of Fairtrade - fair trade. Supporting workers and agriculture has another direct effect on the consumer. In a controlled and fair commodity and production cycle, producers are much less prone to fraud and cover-up. False claims about ingredients and production aids create invisible health risks. Undeclared colorants or growth enhancers interfere with hormone balances or organ functions of the buyer and user. International justice from the producer to the consumer will only be achieved if every link in the chain feels justice. An impoverished farmer in a poorly developed country becomes increasingly unconcerned about any consequence of his actions as the degree of exploitation increases.


Much does not always help much


In our digitally informed world, many people know that quality should not be confused with quantity. Mass coffee cultivation is no guarantee for the well-being and support of workers and agriculture. Sheer quantity from commodity farming creates jobs, but not international justice. Fairtrade - fair trade focuses on manageable trade volumes and regional aspects. Fairtrade - fair trade licenses include compliance with minimum standards for working conditions. They also regulate sustainability through forward-looking production volumes. What good is supporting workers and agriculture for a one-time record harvest if years pass afterwards in which a soil is made arable again.


Meaning of Fair Trade


An often almost forgotten aspect that comes from international justice and support for workers and agriculture is the quality of goods. When plants are given their natural time to mature and people treat them carefully and appropriately for their species, the products develop their properties and special characteristics best. In Fairtrade - fair trade watery wholesale products often change back to what is often called "like from your own garden". The financial aspect of this must not go unnoticed. When fruits taste more intense and authentic, smaller quantities achieve the same taste experience - or more. This advantage puts the supposedly higher purchase costs, calculated by quantity, into perspective. The health aspect is not even considered here.


A social peace cycle


The global exchange of goods not only allows unlimited choice for everyone almost everywhere. International justice is created because all people from the first to the third world participate in the care and cultivation of our earth. Supporting workers and agriculture directly benefits ourselves. We get better quality and healthier produce, produced by people who can make a good living from it and with it. Peacefulness remains, and if we want, we can visit the "birthplaces" of our products from Fairtrade - fair trade calmly. We are welcome there in any case.